Do you know that at least 70%
of the human population of this planet starve 
and many more do not get enough to eat? 
You must now be familiar 
with reports of the famine In Ethiopia, 
where the weather has been so dry that crops fall, 
where the people are so hungry 
they have to walk many miles to the nearest relief station 
where there might be food 
If proplr have been generous. 
In any one station at least 40 people a day die totally shriveled. 
They haven't the energy to brush away the flies 
that are waiting for THEIR meal. 
These poeple are the victims of our western governments. 
In Britain alone there are massive great food stores 
where surplus grain sits, In the EEC there are food mountains, 
In Amrerica farmers are paid to destroy part of their harvest, 
while big corporations plunder the 3rd world countries 
at the expense of the natives. 
Why Is this - economics, the science of greed. 
That which says people must pay western prices for their food. 
Natural starving countries can't afford this especially 
when their government takes the best fIrst.
The western government have plenty of money. 
They tax us on our income, 
then they tax us on what we buy. 
They take the money we have worked for and use It to buy arms. 
They would rather be able to destroy 
the world 12 instead of 10 times over 
than transport surplus food to those who die. 
Indeed, they become 111 through obesity.
Must we tolerate these obscenities? 
When soon even we may be starving because of their taxes. 

Some people don't see the connections 
between big bussiness and destruction. 
The biggest murderers are MacDonald's. 
Not only do they breed and slaughter millions of cattle, 
great rain forests are pulled down 
to make way for grazing ground. 
This destroys hundreds of unique species each time 
not to mention the fact that we need trees 
to produce oxygen for the planet.
Many birds In North America migrate to these forests, 
on arriving and finding no forest they die. 
The drop In population of birds means more insects 
and the Americans only answer to this is pesticide. 
We all know about factories who manufacture pesticide, 
you know about Union Carbide. 
They're an American Company who set up dangerous plants. 
It doesn't matter, nearly 3,000 Indians 
are now dead due to their callousness, 
thousands have strokes and injuries that will never heal. 
Innocent people who had done nothing, 
whose life is not easy anyway, and why? 
So America can steal food from the starving millions. 

Nearly all big bussiness, is based on explanation of the worst kinds. 
Cosmetic companies use dead animals to make their products, 
then poison many more by feeding it to them with the end 
result of encouraging sexism by convincing men and women 
to look the same as each other. 
Advertising promotes this and advertising of any kind 
usually portrays women as a sex object only, there to be raped. 
Drug companies (like Roche & ICI) claim to Invent new drugs 
to cure Imagined diseases. 
Thousands die at the hands of their useless research. 
They try to make drugs to cure heart disease 
which was originally caused by the sufferer eating meat 
and dairy products to excess. 
Booker McConnell own everything from butchers to health shops, 
as long as the cash rolls in who cares? 
Other companies who make machinery and domestic appliances 
(like Thorn EMI.) also makes defense gadgetry. 
British Aerospace specialize In fighters in favour of passenger jets. 
Governments pay more for weaponry 
that domestic consumers pay for domestic items. 
That's why many many comapnies world wide clamour for defense orders, 
some would go bankrupt without them. The final Industry, uranium mining, 
sponsored in Britain by RTZ plunders the landscape, 
kills the wildlife,exploits the natives and gives them cancer. 
The product makes bombs to kill all and 15 used for nuclear fuel. 
The kind of power that produces waste which can be pumped 
Into the sea In Cumbria. 
Deformed babies and children dying 
and leukemia are coincidences